We have launched a new startpage for Avonova Digital. The startpage provides easy access to your digital HR and HSE system. Additionally, it collects all the services you have access to, as an Assist customer, and makes it easy for you to start using them.
The startpage is one and the same for all employees in the copany, and provides quick access to services, like courses, video doctor and personal health.
We’ve listened to your feedback, and are now facilitating faster interaction with the company’s action plan through quicker ways of getting suggestions for measures, or registering your own measures. It will also be clearer which measures you need to proioritize.
New Action Plan will be available shortly
Registering non-conformances and adverse incidents are importent and provide management and the safety representative a good foundation to further improve company processes, working environment and general well-being.
For this reason, we will be launching a new way of registering and following up on non-conformances and adverse incidents, this fall. The goal is to make it easier for you as an employee to report non-conformances and adverse incidents, and easier for you as a manager to follow up on these reports and provide feedback.
Avonova Assist helps companies with creating a better workplace. We do this by collecting services that support lowering absence, creating safe workplaces, simplifying processes and making sure you have control in the HSE-work.
Learn more about how we can support with solving the challenges for your company.