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Assist News

Two new services for our Assist customers

We are proud to present two new digital services that help you and your employees to get a healthier relationship. Pashn and couples therapy from Eyr are developed in collaboration with psychologist and relationship therapists who are easily accessible to your employees. These are two valuable and powerful tools that can give your company a boost in the form of reduced sick leave, increased productivity and happier employees.  

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My Avonova: Our brand new app!

With My Avonova you can log in directly from your mobile phone. Here, you can report incidents, apply for vacation, view your tasks, and access the chemical inventory directly from your pocket. In other words; everything you normally do in the web version, you can now do directly in an app on your phone - as simple as that!  

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A new design for the absence page

The absence page in the digital HR and HSE system has been given a new look. The new version provides a better experience for the user and a great interface. 

 EN absence@2x (1)

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New page with tips for managers

We have launched a new page called Tips for managers (only available in Norwegian). You can find this page on About Avonova Assist. Here, we have collected several videos that will provide information and tips on getting started as a new Assist customer 

Skjermbilde 2023-02-16 kl. 11.03.13

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New Service Overview and Action Plan in Assist.

We have launched a new startpage for Avonova Digital. The startpage provides easy access to your digital HR and HSE system. Additionally, it collects all the services you have access to, as an Assist customer, and makes it easy for you to start using them.

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We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!

We've got brand new websites - with the aim of making it easier for you to find exactly what you're looking for.

At the moment, unfortunately, our websites are only available in local languages

The pages have been given a new design, and a new structure that facilitates an improved user experience! At avonova.no, you should be able to easily find information about what Avonova can assist you and your business with, you will find useful specialist content, and it should always be easy to get in touch with one of our advisers.

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